
Monday, August 30, 2010

Behind Buckhorn Lake. April 2009

We took our quads and followed a road off of the Dodge Road,
eventually bringing us into the back side of Buck Horn Lake.
This was new terrotory for us, but it was a ride I will never forget.

Even though it had been an unusually dry winter, the wild flowers were
 many and the grass was good

Going down a draw, we spotted the family.

Look at that baby...what a cutie  ....

They trotted off through an old burn...lots of feed for them there.

"Dad" led the way, moving his family away from it was time to
move on...

Time for lunch.  We find a spot in a little draw....
I don't know who surprised who more...but we spotted each other
about the same time...
"The Man" seemed to stand guard until his family went past us...

A mare stops to look..
Another stops, this one with a little one...oh this was the best..
We just sat quietly and watched them go by...Doesn't get
any better than this...I was in heaven...!!!

He decided it was time to go....they trotted up towards a trail...and soon
they were gone....

Another group but they wanted no part of us..
Time for a quick glance..and they were gone..

We see Buck Horn Lake, so decide to park the quads and go the rest
of the way on foot to see how close we can get.
Basking on the beautiful spring day....oh..I needed a better lense...

Even as far as we were, it did not take them long to realize something was
not right, and they started to leave.
We headed farther to the east...staying in the trees to avoid being seen
from another group we had spotted...
What a lazy day, hangin' at the watering hole...
We were seen pretty quickly...
He made sure that we knew this was his family...
Prancing back and forth and blowing at us....
Up on the high side is this family...probably heading down for a drink

A healthy baby...
Not sure about his ears, but he will be easy to identify if I see him again..

Farther down, another young family...

Little one catches up to Mom..

Time to head home...but it has been a great day !!
I could spend every day like this...

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